Titel: Genade / Grace

jaar 100 years

Outeur: Danita Cloete
Genre: Geskiedenis / History
ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-920335-81-6
Die twee houtsleutels teen die muur agter die kansel, het voortdurend herinner dat ’n honderd jaar se bestaan van die NG Kerk Zambië binnekort sou aanbreek. Daardie gedagte het my geïnspireer om ’n boek saam te stel oor die ontstaan en groei van hierdie Christelike kerk in dié land.

Hierdie publikasie neem die afgelope honderd jaar se bestaan in oënskou. Die boek se benadering is soos ’n vergrootglas, beginnende met ’n wye beskouing van die wêreld, gevolg deur ’n fokus op Zambië as land, ’n dieper ontleding van die NG Kerk se bestaan, en daarna insette vanaf die kern van die Kerk, naamlik sy mense.

Die gedagte is om te onthou waar ons vandaan kom, en hoe ons deur Jesus Christus se genade steeds voortgaan om sy Woord te verkondig aan alle volke, nasies en tale (Matt. 28). Geniet die bundel, alles tot sy eer. Amen.

Danita Cloete
Danita Cloete is op Water­val Boven in Mpuma­langa gebore. Op vroeë ouderdom verhuis sy saam met haar ouers en gesin na Johannesburg. In Junie 2013 aanvaar haar eggenoot, Johannes, ’n betrekking in Lusaka, Zambië, en in Junie 2014 volg sy hom. Hulle is 34 jaar getroud en het 2 seuns wat beide onlangs getroud is. Nadat die seuns uit die huis is, voltooi sy haar BCom deur Unisa en in 2014 haar MBA aan die NWU. Tydens twee jaar van hul verblyf in Zambië lei sy die Afrikaanse Vroue-Aksie. Sy en haar man woon tans in Gaborone, Botswana.
The two wooden keys against the wall behind the pulpit were a constant reminder that it would soon be the 100th anniversary of the Dutch Reformed Church Zambia.That message inspired me to compile a book about the beginning and growth of this Christian church in Zambia.

In this publication the past hundred years of the Church’s existence is being reviewed. The approach of the book is like a magnifying glass: It starts with a broad view of the world, followed by a focus on the country of Zambia, then a deeper analysis of the existence of the DR Church, and finally inputs from within the sum and substance of the Church, namely its people.

The idea is to remember where we came from, and how by the grace of Jesus Christ, we continue to spread his Word to all nations (Mt. 28). Enjoy the book, all to His glory. Amen.

Danita Cloete
Danita Cloete was born in Waterval Boven in Mpumalanga. At a young age her family moved to Johannesburg. In June 2013 her husband, Johannes, accepted a post in Lusaka, Zambia, and she followed him in June 2014. They have been married for 34 years and have two sons, who both got married recently. With her boys out of the house, she completed a BCom degree through Unisa and in 2014 an MBA at the NWU. She was the leader of the Afrikaanse Vroue-Aksie during two years of their stay in Zambia. She and her husband now live in Gaborone, Botswana.